Unit Of Inquiry (UOI)

In this Who We Are current unit, the Central Idea is Actions have Consequences that affect Personal and Community Safety. So the students are learning about safety. In these pictures, they were doing the Tuning-In activities in order to get the big idea of the unit. They looked carefully to the pictures that are related to something that could be dangerous. And Write what they see, think and wonder.

Visual Art August – September 2017

Posted on August 11, 2017

To support the concept of Safety, Primary 2 students will learn how to draw creatively with their memory, knowledge and imagination.

Here they can try different art tools to finish their project. They will try to change an ordinary sign into a new sign symbol. We also learn how to use our tools properly and how to take good care of them.

English “Who we are” (August – Sept 2017).

In English, we will be supporting our home room teachers with the UOI. We will be looking closely at an action that has consequences and how it affects us and our communities. We will be concentrating on how dangerous situation can have an impact on us and everyone around us. We will learn how to keep ourselves and others safe. At the end of the unit, we will write down things that pose a danger to us and how to avoid dangerous situations.We will also be focussing on our listening and speaking, reading and writing skills to successfully assess the unit.

Unit 1 Who We Are

Unit Of Inquiry

Central Idea: Actions have consequences that affect personal and community safety.

Key Concepts: Causation, connection, reflection

Related Concepts: safety, consequences, awareness, danger, action

Lines of Inquiry:

  • What it means to be in danger
  • Consequences of our actions
  • The identification of potential dangers


To support the concepts of danger and safety, In English, the students are going to talk about a dangerous situation they found themselves in.

  • identify dangerous situations.
  • link their experience to a dangerous situation.


Bahasa Indonesia

Mendengar dan Berbicara (Related Concept: safety, awareness)

  • mendengarkan dan memahami pembacaan teks pendek dan puisi
  • menceritakan kegiatan sehari-hari


Membaca (Related Concept: safety, awareness):

  • Membaca teks pendek dan puisi



  • Menggunakan kamus untuk mencari arti kata (connection)
  • Menulis kalimat sederhana tentang kegiatan sehari-hari dengan menggunakan tanda titik. (Related Concept: safety, awareness)


  • Able to describe my self in mandarin with correct pronunciation and tone
  • Able to read hanyu pinyin and chinese characters about my self
  • Able to write hanyu pinyin and chinese characters about my self




  1. Describes the use of thermometer to measure heat or temperature
  2. Reads a temperature shown by a thermometer
  3. Estimates and measures temperature of space or objects in surrounding area
  4. Solves problems related to temperature

Pattern and Function:

  1. Finds relationship between addition and subtraction
  2. Fills the unknown  in a simple equation with a correct value


Whole Number (3 digit numbers)

  1. Represents numbers or quantties which are more than 100
  2. Read and write 3 digit numbers
  3. Represent numbers or quantities which are more than 100
  4. Identifies the place value and number value that construct a number
  5. Writes a number in expanded notation
  6. Compares and orders numbers or quantities
  7. Determines number which are some ones, tens or hundreds more/less than a number

Addition and Subtraction (up to 1000)

  1. Adds some ones, tens and hundreds to a number without regrouping
  2. Adds some ones, tens and hundreds to a number which requires regrouping
  3. Adds two 3-digit numbers with and without regrouping
  4. Subtracts some ones, tens and hundreds to a number without regrouping
  5. Subtracts  some ones, tens and hundreds to a number which requires regrouping
  6. Subtracts a number from a 3-digit numbers with and without regrouping
  7. Solves problems involving addition or subtraction



Mengenal Tata Tertib

Saat pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia, para siswa mempelajari tentang tata tertib.

Mereka mewawancarai orang tua mereka sebagai PR, untuk mengetahui tata tertib keluarga dan masyarakat di sekitar rumah.

Di sekolah, mereka mendiskusikan Student of Conduct dan berjalan berkeliling sekitar sekolah untuk mengenal tata tertib masyarakat sekitar sekolah.

Monday with Pak Handoko

On May 8th, we had a sharing session with Pak Handoko. Pak Handoko explained to us the factors he considered to build SVP building and how to implemented those factors on the building.

After that, we designed and built our own imaginary building using some provided materials, like dried leaves, twigs, chopsticks, rubber, and so many other things.

We had so much fun and learnt so many things from Monday with Pak Handoko.


Studets were introduced to unit of measurement (cm and m). They learn to measure objects start from unstandardized unit (span, pencil, paper clip) to standardized unit. They used meter stick to predict length

Changing of Building

During this unit, the students discover how the building changes over time due to the fuction.

The students observed the changing of their houses and why they changed. They also observed houses around the world and why they are different. 

Next week, students​ are going to learn how to design building and factors to consider before designing building.

Hari Kartini

On Kartini Day, students joined drawing competition. They were asked to draw and showed their dreams of future occupation. They also got a story telling about the life of Ibu Kartini and her struggle to empower and educate women at that time.

Carrol Diagram

During this unit, the studets learn about how to interpret data from venn diagram and report data to Carrol diagram.

In the shown picture, the students interviewed each other to collect information and report it into Carrol diagram.

Unit 6 where we are in place and time

Central idea : the design of building determine how people use them.

Key concepts :

  • Form
  • Function
  • Change

Related concepts :

  • Space, structure, design


  1. The changing use of buildings
  2. The design of buildings over time
  3. Factors to consider when designing a building now


walt : students will learn how to develop basic motor skills.

Wilf :

  1. Students will be able to develop basic technique of throwing and catching
  2. Stuents will be able to develop basic technique of jumping


Walt : Participate in creative experience by making 3D building.

Wilf :

  • Creativity
  • Neatness
  • Balance

Bahasa Indonesia :

Walt :

  1. Melakukan pengumpulan data dengan wawancara
  2. Tata tertib

Wilf :

  1. Membuat pertanyaan wawancara
  2. Melakukan wawancara
  3. Melaporkan hasil wawancara
  4. Mengenal tata tertib
  5. Melaksanakan tata tertib dan aturan di lingkungan keluarga, sekokah, dan masyarakat

English :


  1. Introduce paragraphs with informative writing
  2. Read texts at an appropriate level, independently, confidently with good understanding

Wilf :

  1. Pick out main events and relevant points in oral texts
  2. Use familiar aspects of written language with increasing confidence and accuracy


Walt :

  1. Shape and space
  2. Measurements

Wilf :

  1. Naming, identifying and describing basic 2D shapes
  2. Estimate and measure the length, mass, and volume of the objects using standard units


WALT             : Identify Public Building


·        Pronounce 5 public building

·        identify word public building in mandarin

·        Respond clearly to a question about public building

·        Mentioning  words about public building

·        Trace characters word public building


WALT: Designing a building (app: Paint)

  1. Using pencil, shape, eraser, and shape tool
  2. Drawing the floor plan of the building (the shape of the building, the parts of the building, and the interior design)
  3. Annotate the parts of the building
  4. Drawing the front part of the building

Excursion and another expert invitation for transportation

It was a busy week for grade 2 students. They worked on some activities and discussions related to transportation system. They were not only sorting out the types of transportation, but also trying to understand the consideration to choose certain transportation to mobile.

To make sure that the students are update with the social phenomenon on transportation system nowadays, we invited Grabbike driver, Pak Budi, to tell us how this online transportation system works on March 13th. The students got really engaged and created critical questions to the expert.

2 days later, grade 2 students had an excursion to Transportation Museum. This excursion was aimed at recognizing the changing of transportation system as it inlined with the changing needs of the community.

Students got so curious to see the transportation systems in detail. They also got so excited when they experienced going around the museum with the steam train.